The Only Mobile Transaction Authentication Solution Your Bank Needs
Performs mobile transaction authentication signature (mTAS) to authenticate any type of operations on your mobile apps

Achieve the 3 Imperatives of Transaction Authentication

Fraud in mobile and online banking reduced by 70-75%

Transaction confirmation reduced by 3.5 times

Annual expense reduction up to 30%

For a Secure & Friendly Banking Experience
PayConfirm allows your customers to confirm any transaction with just one tap. It is easy, secure, and can be seamless integrated into your app.
Key Features

Fully software-based
No need for additional hardware, OTP generator, or scratch-cards.e and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.
andTurning visitors into lead

No dependency on mobile
Stable work in
roaming or out of mobile operatorss what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.

Confirm with one tap
Because all operations happen in only one applicationfering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.

Easy Integration
Embedded in any apps to perform secure authentications what you're offering,

Fraud Monitoring
Increases the accuracy of any fraudulent transactions detection us whaRemember:
Our Client's Feedback

"In addition to standard 2FA functionality, there are good surprises. Firstly, this is an option for clients to log-in into personal account without entering a username and password - just using a QR code. This is amazing experience!'
Transaction Business Director, MKB

“Among a variety of services PayConfirm is in a great demand, and used by more than a third of our mobile clients. It is convenient. As soon as the payment order is created, the client confirms it with an electronic signature in one tap. Such a signature is also more reliable, because a cryptographic signature is linked with payment parameters”
Chairmen, Alfa Bank

“ When we were looking for a balance of convenience and security in terms of customer experience, the question arose of choosing a method and mechanisms for confirming operations. At the initial stages, we introduced a traditional confirmation of operations.
Indeed, we understood that in order to improve the security of services, it was necessary to move on to a fully digital signing of transactions on a mobile device, which should provide a further increase in the competitiveness and quality”.
Head of Remote Banking Development Department, Russian Agricultural Bank, JSC
Talk to our experts
Reinvent the way your customers authenticate mobile banking transactions

KMS Solutions works closely with leading software companies across the globe to bring the most advanced and innovative technologies to Asia Pacific. The focus is to help organizations achieve their business goals through world-class fit-for-purpose solutions and proven industry best practices. KMS Solutions’ success is ultimately measured by the positive impact that it makes to the client’s business.