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Zoom is an online conferencing tool. Businesses worldwide use it to host webinars, web meetings, and the like. 

This article shows you how to download Zoom and how to join a webinar with a Meeting ID* (assuming that you have one). It will also walk you through some basic settings to make sure that you and other guests have a decent experience with KMS's webinars.

*Important Note: in every webinar invitation, KMS will include a Meeting ID, which is a string of numbers. Each Webinar has a unique meeting ID to it. With this ID, you can join a webinar without having to sign up or log in.


1. Download Zoom

You should join our webinars using Zoom software (rather than the browser). This is to maintain a high quality of live audio, live video (if any), and Zoom's other functions all through the webinar.

If you haven’t installed Zoom, start by going to, and then hit the “Download” button. The browser will soon download a file named “ZoomInstaller.exe” (Image 1).

download zoom1

Image 1. Download Zoom

Run this file and install Zoom by following the instructions shown on-screen.

2. Join a webinar

Now that you have installed Zoom, you are ready to join our webinars in either of these 2 ways.

Option 1: Join by using a provided URL

Option 2: Join by using a provided Meeting ID

In what follows, we will elaborate on these 2 options.

2.1. Join a Webinar using a provided URL

A couple of days before any webinar taking place, KMS will send out a reminder to people who have registered. This email contains an URL that ends with the webinar's meeting ID. For example, a webinar with a Meeting ID of 004771997 should have an URL of (Image 2). 

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Image 2. Join a webinar using a provided URL

Once you access this URL, the browser will redirect you to another window and prompt you to start Zoom software. Please hit “Open Zoom” (Image 3).

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Image 3. Start Zoom using browser

That’s it! Now you should be joining the webinar.

2.2. Join a Webinar using a provided Meeting ID

Before all else, please check our invitation e-mail to find the Meeting ID. Then go to Zoom’s website: and click the “JOIN A MEETING” on the navigation bar (Image 4).


Image 4. Hit "JOIN A MEETING" on the navigation bar.

In the new tab, key in the Meeting ID and click “Join”. This instant, the browser will prompt you to start Zoom software. Please click “Open Zoom” (Image 5)

zoom instruct 3-1

Image 5. Type Meeting ID into the required box

Done! Have a great time webinaring!

3. Quick Zoom Guide

Because you join the webinar as a participant, the interface should look like this (Image 6).

interface zoom

Image 6. Function buttons on Zoom's interface

(1) Mute/unmute

(2) Start video/Stop video

(3) Choose audio options

(4) Invite others to join the webinar

(5) Display the list of participants

(6) Share your screen display 

(7) Open chat box (popping up on the right side)

(8) Ask permission to record the webinar

(9) Leave the webinar

Important note: Due to the large number of participants, you should stay muted during the webinar. We will ask other participants the same thing. Should you have any questions, please type them into the chatbox. Our staff will collect the questions and either send them to the speaker right away or save for the end, depending on where we are with the webinar.


It’s that simple! Hope you will enjoy our webinars.